November 15, 2021 – 11 Kislev 5782
Kiddush Hashem: Rabbi Gabriel Benayon of Chabad in Panama was filmed on the New York City subway suddenly removing his shoes from his feet. What happened next moved everyone riding that day.
By COLlive reporter
The kindness of a Chabad Rabbi.
Rabbi Gabriel Benayon, who serves as a Chabad Rabbi in Panama City, Panama, was in New York this past month for the International Kinus Hashluchim, annual conference of Chabad rabbis.
A video clip of an encounter he had during his visit has now become public and shared with COLlive.com.
Rabbi Benayon, author of the book “From My Anxiety To Your Happiness,” is seen riding the New York subway system and removing elegant dress shoes from his feet and walking it over to a fellow passenger.
“Can I give you these shoes?” the rabbi asks.
The recipient, an African American man, replies: “Oh man, thank you!”
Speaking in Spanish, Rabbi Benayon explains:
“We went shopping today in New York City and I bought a pair of sneakers.
“On the way back, on the subway, a man walked in without shoes.
“A few minutes passed and I thought: ‘Why could I buy new sneakers while this man is walking barefoot in the NYC subway?’
“So I gave him the shoes I was wearing while I put on my new sneakers.”
The rabbi then added, “We always have to be alert. We always have to try to think about what good can we do to another. Because if one sees another person in a difficult situation it’s our job to help him out.”
As the recipient was leaving the subway, he happily commented: “I have a new style.”
Fuente: https://collive.com/why-the-rabbi-removed-his-shoes-on-nyc-subway/